Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Feel Like A Kid Again

It's about that time eh chaps? Righto..... I will taking my summer holidays to volunteer as a Councillor with the Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program. I have been a part of the program since I was 13. I have met some of my best friends through this camp.

Some of them I have lost touch with. Some of them I still see pretty much every day. I was able to learn a lot about others from all over Saskatchewan along with learn a lot about myself. The main point of this blog is pretty much that Co-op Camp Rocks and I will taking a few days off to go off to camp.

I recommend if you are between 12-18 to pick up a registration form and sign up for the most fun you will have all summer. Check out the SCYP Website for more details.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I like food!

So for the past few months I have been trying to shed a few pound. I am not really one for extreme diets or other stuff like that. I have always been a fan of food so giving up steak and potatoes and burgers and that stuff was out of question.

One thing that I thought I could cut out of my system is junk food and pop. It has been pretty hard but after a while it wasn't too bad. No chips, chocolate bars, candy, pop, slurpees, and other things of that nature. The hardest part of not eating crap was late at night snacking and going on road trips. The only things I was really allowing myself to eat was jerky, peanuts, and other types of nuts.

After trying this special type diet for a while I was able to drop 12 pounds. I was pretty impressed but shortly after I cracked! Had some pop and chips and that other bad stuff. It is really hard to lose weight. But that isn't really anything people don't already know.

I know what I should be doing to drop pounds. Work out, eat well, don't eat fast food and blah, blah, blah. But as the tittle says "I like food!".  I just want to drop a few pounds, look a bit better, and get a bit healthier. I just need the ambition.

So starting tonight I just jump back on the wagon to drop a few pounds.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm Wet

So it's been a while since I have posted and I must say sorry for that. It's been a pretty crazy couple of weeks with all the flooding going on in Weyburn and people at work taking holidays. But it hasn't been just that. It's been a wet and damp few days for me at home.

I was up in Saskatoon over the weekend to visit some good friends and watch the Classified concert. The concert was a blast and is by far the best show I've ever seen.  But to top it all off I was able to meet Class after the show and get a photo which was awesome!

On Sunday I thought I should start making my way back to Weyburn. I had a quick visit with an old friend in Toon Town before going to Regina. Once I made it to Regina I was lucky enough to spend a few hours with a close friend. After driving around for a while and talking I thought I should make my way back home.

I thought there was no way this awesome weekend could be ruined. That was until I walked into my basement and noticed it flooded. After running the shop-vac and a dehumidifier for days on end I thought everything would be back to normal. That was until I woke up Thursday morning to another puddle outside of my room. Water has been coming in from the cracks in the floor.

Not much to really report after that. I will be sleeping on my couch for the next week or so until it all dries up. Hope it won't take too long. Since complaining won't do anything I will just have to take things in stride.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Suit Up!

As I was thinking about what to do with all this hair on my head a thought came across my mind; "What is 'Work Appropriate' clothing and style?". As the rest of the world changes what people wear to work hasn't changed much at all. For people like me who work in an office it is still pretty much the same. Guys wear shirt and tie with dress pants. This is the same style as far back as I can even think. If you are 'business man' you wear a suit. But why is this? The jobs aren't the same. More people are using the internet to do their banking, shopping, and other previous daily tasks. The equipment the business men work with is not the same. There is less and less face-to-face iteration than ever before. 

Back in the day jeans were something that a 'working man' would wear. They were created to be durable and to an extent protective. But now you can buy jeans that make most of my dress clothes look cheap. If I was to walk into an office and see see everyone sitting around wearing jeans and golf shirt I wouldn't feel like the service is any less than anywhere else. Just because someone is wearing a suit doesn't mean they are more inclined to do a job than someone who isn't.

As this progressive world keeps 'progressing' some things just don't change. A person who used to sit in front of a typewriter and saw 50 customers in one day is still wearing the same suit in front of computer and only seeing 10 customers a day.

Personally I don't see suits as a comfort when I walk into a store.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I have a "Short" Brother

Well this will be a "SHORT" post. Pun intended.

Over the weekend I made my way to Regina for a birthday party. I was a pretty lax day for the most part. Had to do a bit a running around then out for drinks and watching hockey. When we made our way to the bar for the celebration part of the party it got a little more interesting.

As I was washing my hands in the washroom I was punched in the shoulder. It wasn't a hard punch but it was enough for me to feel it. As soon as I was hit I heard a voice from behind me saying "What?! Aren't you going to say to your brother?!"

I turned around expecting to see my brother who is only a few inches shorter than I am. I am 6'4" he is about 6'2". But as I turned around and did the confused 360 in the bathroom I looked down to see a very very short man. He was MAYBE 4'0"......maybe. As I continued on my way I realized THIS was the guy who said that too me. I turned to him and as I tried to hold back laughter I asked "What?!" He looked at me confused for a second before saying "Oh, sorry man! I thought you were someone else!". By this point I am about to burst out laughing. So I just said "really?!"  before I turned around and walked out.

When we got back to our table no one from our group believed me. That was until the very, very, short man came up to our table and apologize to me one for time. After this my whole table was having a good laugh. Not because he was short. But because he mistook someone who is over 2 feet taller than him as his brother.

Needless to say It was a good laugh had by all!

Monday, March 21, 2011

I Am Confused!?!

So as some of you know I got into a bit of an accident earlier this year. I hit some bad ice and my car hit a pole. There was a bit more than a bit of damage but I was pretty sure the car wouldn't get written off.

The accident happened on Wednesday March 2nd. With all the ugly weather we have seen in the past while I didn't expect my car to get adjusted right away. Sadly I was unable to get in until Monday March 21st.

This forced me to drive around for 18 days with a smashed front end and a missing signal light. Even though it wasn't much of an issue I had a large number of people give me the one finger wave when they didn't know I was turning.

Once I made it to my appointment I expected it to last for a couple of hours so I called for a ride. But once I got my car in I was told that it will only take a little bit. By a little bit I assumed an hour or so. 15 minutes later I was on my way to work.

My car ended up not being wrote off but there was a large amount of damage to it. Almost $3,200 worth. After I got back to work and inspected the sheet SGI gave me a bit more I noticed the price of labor was only $90 some dollars less than the parts. How can this be? I am confused and questioning my line of work. If you are charging someone the same price for parts as you are for labor it makes you wonder how much they charge per hour.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Would Be Pleased!

(I am keeping this one as PG as possible)

After a few talks with a few people over a few days I was asked a similar question, "How can I make my man happy?".

At first I was kind of puzzled by these questions. Since I am unaware why they are unhappy it is hard for me to answer. After getting the info about the situation I was a little more aware of what was going on. For some it was work related issues, others more personal issues, but it all came down a few simple answers.

First off if you live with this person you know what they enjoy to eat. Make them a special meal, or take them out. The quickest way to a man's heart is his stomach. A good meal will make any man happy.

Second, make sure they are able to enjoy their drink of choice. It could be a beer, a wine, kool-aid....what ever.

Third, try to get them to enjoy the night. It could be going out to movie, staying home to watch a movie, watching a sports game, or having friends over. Doing stuff with other people is always good. No matter how much he says he wants to be alone he really doesn't.

If it is you that he is upset with and you want him to be happy there are lots of things to do. Fighting does not help.......ever. Talking things out in a calm manner yes. If you let him go out with his friends watch the game, have some drinks, play poker or anything that is also good. But when he gets home make sure he is looked after and don't add any stress.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying wait on him hand and foot. Small gestures can be something they will enjoy as well.

For me I just need a few things to release stress.
- Food
- Beer
- Hockey
- Movie
- Someone to vent to helps at times

Keep in mind each person's situation is different. Some guys wouldn't like what over do. Know your man and everything should be O.K!

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Been One Week

If you have been reading my blog then you are aware that I am hockey official. I ref and lines a lot of hockey. One thing that really grinds my gears is when people tell at the officials to "get outta the way!". If you don't know what I mean here is quick little description. When a player doesn't pay attention to where he/she is shooting the puck and hits the ref. Most people think the ref is always in the wrong.

Here is something to think about. Players have a lot more equipment on than refs. The average player will be wearing the following for protection.
-Shin Pads
-Shoulder Pads
-Elbow Pads
-Neck Guard
-Full Cage/Half Visor

While the average ref will only wear a few things.
-Shin Pads
-Elbow Pads
-Half Visor

Some refs don't wear shin pads, a cup, or elbow pads. So when people think we get in the way on purpose I pose this question, Why do we want to get hit with a piece or frozen vulcanized rubber?

To prove my point I have been documenting what happens to a ref when they get hit.

  Sunday Feb. 28. The night I was hit by a puck.
Tuesday March 1.

Wednesday March 2.

Thursday March 3.

Friday March 4.

Sunday March 6.

No ref WANTS to get hit by a puck. Remember when you see a ref fall down, get hit by a puck, body checked into the boards it hurts. We are wearing less protective equipment than the players.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Afraid!

We are talking about about fears on the Magic 103.5 FM today. There are a lot of common fears that I heard, but also some different fears as well. The common fears i heard are spiders, snakes, and heights. I understand a lot of these fears for the most part. It is really hard to understand the fear until you know someone with that fear.

But at the same time there are fears that I know people have that I just don't get. The biggest one that I don't understand is clowns. I have never seen clowns as scary. Even in the movie IT. Sure there is a murderous clown on the loose, but at the same time all horror movies have people killing in it. Does that mean we should be afraid or most 6'1" white men ha ha?

As for myself, well I have a few fears of my own. A lot of people most of them some people know none of them. The biggest one for me has to be deep dark water. Like the middle of a lake or ocean or large bodies of water like that. Not because of a traumatic incident of my life or anything like that, I just don't like not being able to see what's going on down there. Also the other big one for me is needles. I don't like sharp metal being shoved in my arms and injecting me with a fluid. My 2nd last needle I passed out looking at the needle. A lot of people laugh at me when I tell them the needle one because I have tattoos. But anyone who has a tattoo knows needles are nothing like a tattoo.

I think everyone has a fear of something regardless if they tell people it or not. Some of them are small but for any serious fear or phobia none of them are easy to overcome. But I fear this will be the end of my post for today. Remember no matter what your fear is, I'm sure you aren't alone. Don't hid it, it's part of who you are.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

She Said WHAT At Her Wedding?!?

Over the weekend I went on a nice big trek to northern Saskatchewan again. On Friday after I left work I took off to Saskatoon to start my long venture. Once I got there I met up with a friend went out for drinks and watching a show. After leaving the show I found a parking ticket on my windshield. This is the second in 2 weeks. Starting to think it MIGHT BE my fault. The next morning I chilled out met with an old college roommate and had dinner and a few drinks before I continued on my adventures.

In the afternoon I drove to Melfort to watch my brother play against Melfort. The night before they lost 5-2. I was expecting a similar game. But what I saw was far from similar. Nipawin lost 11-0. Nothing really exciting came out of this game. That night I drove to Bellevue to my auntie, uncle, and 3 cousins. Just hung out and talked that night and the next morning.

Around noon on Sunday I drove back to Saskatoon to attend a high school friend's wedding. I was going alone to this wedding so I wasn't sure if I would really know anyone there. After showing up to Saskatoon early I stopped by a pub near the hotel where the wedding was to take place. After a few quick pre-wedding drinks I made my over to the hotel. The first person I saw was a guy I went to elementary school with. He moved out of Radville when we were in grade 8 or so. So it was nice to catch up with him.

A little while after talking we were asked to meet for the ceremony. While this was all great and lovely, like most weddings are, there was a bit of entertainment as well. The bride said something you would only hear in a comedy. Since it was a civil service it was fairly lax. The bride was asked to do the 'repeat after me' part, which is standard and not exciting. But she made it fun. When asked to repeat 'take the lawfully wedded' she said 'take the awfully wedded'. After a few moments of laughter she was asked to repeat the correct words 3 times.

The rest of the night was very fun and entertaining. We had a few drinks and unlike other weddings I was able to sit down with the groom for a few minutes and actually have a conversation. This is something I was sure wouldn't be able to happen with how busy weddings are.

The next day I was going to make a stop in Regina then go home since I worked Tuesday. But before I left I was told I need to make a detour and visit another friend of mine. I said I would love to, since we never to get hang out. After some birthday cake and a drink I carried on my way. Once I reached Regina I was able to wrap up my trip. Had a great chat with a friend followed by a relaxing hot tub experience before I went home.

All in all it was a great, long, long weekend. Visiting with friends is something I enjoy more than anything. Being so far away from so many great friends it was hard to pass up any opportunities to see as many as I could. I can't wait until the next trip north. I hope it won't be long.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Want My Time Back

So the other day I went to the ER. It wasn't for anything major just what I figured was a broken finger. I have broke a few fingers in my time and it felt like the other times so I did what anyone would do. Go and see if the doctor can do anything.

Upon arriving at the hospital I gave them all my info. Health card, next of kin, address, all that stuff. After waiting what was only 5 minutes or less I was called back to the room. The man who took me back there seemed like the nurse type and was very dismissive of my condition. He looked at me and said "So?......What do you need?" After being shocked that this is how our conversation started up I replied. "Well, I think I broke my finger." I figured it was a pretty simple answer for his nonprofessional question. To which he answered "Oh? So you went for X-Rays and you know that it's broken and what do you want us to do?" After being baffled that this person could work in a hospital let alone be a nurse I simplify said "No. That is why I said I THINK".

After a few more pointless questions and him telling me I don't know what I'm talking about we went for a walk to the X-Ray station. Upon arriving the ladies who were in this unit were very nice. All were very polite and even asked how the pain was. Something the other guy never once asked me. After my X-Ray they asked "Did Dr. (bad doctor name) tell you to just wait here?" It was at this point when I realized the 'nurse' I was dealing with was actually a DOCTOR.

When he came back he looked at my X-Rays and said there is a little bone where it hurt the most but he quickly dismissed this. He said it is probably just a bone from my pinky. After looking at him like he had 2 heads and missing a brain in both he turned around and walked out. I asked him what I should do. His reply floored me. "We are done. You can leave now."

Needless to say I will no longer be going to this Doctor ever again and making the 30 min trip, each way, to Radville.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm Offended!

The way this world is going lately everything has to be so politically correct. And it seems like everything you say on the radio or in life has be to said just right. One of my co-workers asked our audience if anyone had Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. After a few people called in and told him about eating the red Smarties last or putting on the left sock before the right one he received a phone call. A listener was offended by how he was "making fun| of people with OCD. Which was not the case at all.

I'm sure there are people who are reading this who have older family members who use old style terms that would be frowned upon now days. People aren't handicapped anyone. They are disabled challenged. These terms change so quickly that people who have certain conditions can't even keep up with them.

People can't take anything lightly anymore. There is no sense of HA HA left in this world. Looking around a bar to see if you can tell a joke. repeating something in your head before you say it out loud. If everyone would just lighten up a bit more there would be more laughs and who knows maybe fewer wars.

But what do I know? I am just a guy. I am not offended by much. Maybe it is because I do not have any challenged to overcome. But when I (a 6'4" white male) call someone (a 5'4" black female) short, I'm being offensive.

If everyone is supposed to be equal and we are supposed to be able to laugh at ourselves then why can't we laugh at each other?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm In Need Of Ink

I have always enjoyed tattoos. I have 4 right now and it has been kind of an expensive obsession with me. I got my first one when I was 17. It's a hockey puck with hockey sticks behind it and flames coming out the sides of the puck. A few years later I got 2 more tattoos above my elbows. They are both stars. One blue and one red. then 2 years ago I got my latest tattoo. It's script that says "You'll never make everyone happy it just won't happen".

I am still trying to think about what I want for me new tattoo. Do I want something that is crazy and off the wall or something classic. Maybe even something that has a major impact on my life. But what it really comes down to is something I can that will let me say "ya, I paid for that".

As I think more about the classic tattoo style the one that sticks out in my head is a pin up girl.

But who knows. All I do know is I need to get a tattoo soon.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm Old!?! Wait....What!?

So for the past little while I have realized that I have became "That Guy". The one who makes obscure references to things that used to be cool. When asked what my favorite bands were I would say classic rock bands or rappers who haven't recorded anything new in the past 10 years.

If listening to Beastie boys, Bloodhound Gang, Dre, or anyone else makes me old I guess I am. Everything moves so fast now a days. Music changes weekly. Every time I look at the top 50 list there is a new artist making their mark.

I just remember days when you had your pop princesses, rappers, hip hop stars, rockers, country singers, and boy bands. Now everyone has to be a crossover hit to get air play. I really have to put all the blame on iPods and other MP3 players.

People are listening to everything in a shuffle fashion.  Everyone is a fan of all kinds of music and they expect everyone else to be the same way. The only way you will only here country, pop, rock, or anything like that is by listening to sat. radio or your own iPod (which I'm sure has everything on it anyways).

I just miss the days of tuning into a rock station and not hearing country music. But maybe it's true. Maybe I am getting old.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm Too Big!

Over the weekend I traveled to Nipawin Saskatchewan to watch my brother (Grant Jensen) play hockey with the Nipawin Hawks. As some of you know he was traded there from the Weyburn Red Wings before Christmas. On my trip all I planned on doing was watching some hockey, being lazy and maybe partake in a few beverages.

All in all it was a great trip. My brothers second family is really nice. His billet family for those who are wondering. I pretty much hung out with them more than my brother. Since he had hockey and practice and team stuff I was pretty much left at the house.

When I got to Nipawin I was able to meet everyone before being rushed out the door to head to the rink to watch the Nipawin Hawks Alumni team take on player of the Saskatchewan Roughriders. It was great entertainment and I had a few good laughs. It was like the Harlem Globtrotters on ice ha ha.

When I got to the rink I wanted to pick up some Nipawin Hawks gear. Hats, shirts, mugs, mini sticks.... that stuff. I found a really nice hat and some mini sticks and a mug. The shirt, jacket, bunny hug part was a little harder to acquire. I am a pretty large guy. But the largest clothes they had were just Large or one shirt that was Extra Large. I skipped out on the shirt for the first day needless to say.

That night I watched the Hawks play the Stars. Nipawin lost 5-2 in what was a pretty decent game to watch.

The next day I walked up to the merch booth again and the guy recognized me and asked if I found anything that fit. After explaining I did not he asked if I tried on a Hawks jersey. I said no and explained I didn't want to pay that much. After talking for a bit he told me he would give me a good deal if one fit. What do you know, one did fit. I asked how much and he said $45. I was shocked and paid him before he could change his mind. During the game I bought a few 50/50 tickets. It must have been my lucky night because what do you know. I won. I won $272.50.

Too bad it wasn't the Hawks lucky night. They lost 7-1.

That was my trip up North. I am looking forward to the next time I get to go.

(Clinton Pirio Left with Grant Jensen Right)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In The Butt!

This isn't a story I'm really proud of..... at all. But it happened. Some people know the story other have never heard 2 words of it.

Back on December 21st I was linesing a Big 6 (Senior) hockey game in Lampman. It started out like any other game. Got hit with the puck a few times and it was a low scoring game that didn't have a lot of entertainment in it. That is until the 5 minute mark in the first period. An Oxbow player was attempting to hit a Lampman player into the board right where I was standing. Needless to say the hit didn't go as planned. The Lampman player got out of the way and Oxbow player hit the boards and clipped me. When the Oxbow player fell he took me down with him. If you don't know this, hockey officials wear little to no equipment. We have skates, shin pads, a cup, elbow pads and a helmet. Some wear more some wear less. When I was falling I landed my left side on the players turned-up skate. The impact happened right bellow my left kidney.

The pain was almost unbearable but I still managed to get up and continue the game. So, in pain I continue the game. The second period was going well but the officials were still getting hit with the puck. In the later part of the 3rd period a Lampman player was attempting to ice the puck and decided to hit me in the side. Once again it was the same side I previously injured. This time only 2 inches away from the earlier impact. Once again the pain almost brought me to tears and I was thinking about leaving the game. But since I haven't walked out on a game before I wasn't going to do it this game.

After the game the other officials looked at my side and told me to get to the hospital right away because of potential kidney damage. Lampman is an hour away from Weyburn and it was getting pretty late by this time, 11:30 PM. When I arrived in Weyburn I dropped off my equipment and went to the hospital. When I arrived the nurse looked at it and told me it was just soft tissue damage and my kidneys are fine.

I was happy to hear this but the pain was still there and very bad by this time. I asked if there was anything she could do and she said yes. She told me she would be giving me a shot to help to pain. I hate needles by the way. I have fainted at the sight of them many times. But the pain was so bad I would try anything. So I rolled up my sleeve and said ok lets do this. The nurse stood there and said "No, you'll need to undo your pants". My fear for needles increased. She took a needle and told me there would be a tight pinching feeling. She then followed up this very true statement by jamming the needle in the meat of my buttocks.

After this embarrassing moment was over and I never wanted to come back again something odd happened. I received a letter in the mail from my local health centre.It was a bill. A bill for $5.00 for the needle they stabbed in my rear end. I still have the bill and still contemplating paying it...... even though I know I should. I just can't justify paying someone for stabbing me in that fashion.

And that folks it when you say "next time I'll take the pain over getting jabbed in the butt by the health centre".

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Go Everywhere!

So as some of you know when I am not sitting at radio station I am very active in minor, senior, and junior hockey. I travel a lot of places around southern Saskatchewan just to ref or lines a hockey game. I do games in Assiniboia, Weyburn, Radville, Lampman, Oxbow, Midale, Redvers, and many other places. Some people think I am crazy for giving up my evenings and weekends for hockey. Others think I am doing a great thing for the community because of the lack of officials.

When I travel to all of these places I get to chance meet some really interesting people. Some have stories that are so far fetches you just laugh. Some stories are sad but most are fun and intriguing. Along with new people I always get the chance to hang out with many familiar faces. Some people I have known since I was 4 years old and lived next door to. Others I have met in the past 4 years. The best part of doing games on the road with these guys are the road trips. Nothing beats a bunch of guys in the vehicle who have a lot in common and come from all walks of life and have many different careers outside hockey.

Like I said before many people think I'm crazy for doing it. Some people have even been mad at more for not being able to socialize with them because I ref so much. I do miss hanging out with the friends and family in hockey season. I don't pick hockey over friends because I don't want to be with them. I pick hockey for many reasons. I enjoy going out and skating. Feeling the cold wind on my face is amazing. Sure I get frozen pucks shot at me, yelled at by coaches, players and fans, but I enjoy the 2 hours I'm there. I call it my exercise. Also the money helps ha ha. No I don't ref for the money. But I also wouldn't ref if there wasn't any money.

So to all my family and friends who have been or are upset with me because of hockey I am sorry. Being on the ice is what I love. I love it as much as hanging out with friends. But hockey is only a major part of my life for a few months out of the year. You will all be a part of my life 12 months out of the year.

I also had this discussion with a few of my at the time girlfriends (ex's). They say I never spend time with them or I take hockey over them. I will say the same thing now as I said then. If you can handle me in the winter you can handle me in the summer. If you are unable to deal with my life in the winter then it just won't work out.

For all of those wondering how much hockey I do it's a lot. I get 2 nights off a week while I ref at least 3 games a weekend. On my time off I do enjoy to be lazy and sit on my couch and veg. It's hard to do that when you get home from work at 5, leave the house at 6 and don't get home until midnight some nights.

This post was a little more personal! But a really close friend of mine told me I should make it about something I am passionate about. So I will try that for a while.

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Zodiac Sign

So the big news that has been blowing up Facebook, Twitter, TV, Radio and even grocery shopping isles; has nothing to do with the Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali leaving the country, or the Toronto Maple Leafs loss to the Phoenix Coyotes. NO these are not as important as what seems to be the biggest issue in all of world.


That's right, some people will now have to change their Zodiac Sign. Or will they? I have read many articles on this topic and some are even calling this a sham. Some websites are telling me this will only effect children born after 2009. Some say this will only effect the Eastern Hemisphere. 

So what do I believe? Well With this change I will not be changing my Zodiac Sign. No, not because i'm stubborn and think this is all a bunch of bull plop. I won't be changing because I am one of the few people who is still their original Zodiac animal. 

Here is the list of the dates and the signs.

Pisces (March 13 - April 19)
Aries (April 20 - May 12)
Taurus (May 13 - June 20)
Gemini (June 21 - July 19)
Cancer (July 20 - August 11)
Leo (August 12 - September 17)
Virgo (Sepetember 18 - October 31)
Libra (November 1 - November 21)
Scorpius (November 22 - November30)
Ophiuchus (December 1 - December 18)
Sagittarius (December 19 - January 18)
Capricorn (January 19 - February 17)
Aquarius (February 18 - March 12)

If you are one of those people who is now an Ophiuchus, you will not be able to find your horoscope any place too easy. But I have a feeling it might read something like this. 
          Ophiuchus - You cause anger and outrage. This seems like a good day to keep to yourself. Any new knowledge about yourself should be kept to yourself for your own protection.

As for myself this is my daily horoscope. 

"Are you focused and ready for your day? Remember your communication skills. You will need these skills as you will have the opportunity to inform and convince others. Motives of others might be in question at this time. Good listening skills will come in just as handy as your excellent communication skills. If you are stuck in a power play with a customer, shake hands and move on . . . they may just need time to think over a contract or a sales offer. The sheer abundance of your energy can get in your way so slowly come back to square one when you need to focus. Writing things down will force you to slow down and think before acting. In the meantime, make sure to take your allocated breaks. During the noon break exercise by walking."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tick Tok

The great debate has started once again. But this time in January?! Time change in Saskatchewan. Here is the link to the story. I have been asking my listeners today what they think and I have been getting a lot of "no" answers. It seems the large majority of people in Southern Saskatchewan (at least here) want to stay the same.

Even with all the "no's" I have heard 2 people so far say "YES". The first lady wanted to change so it would be easier to call her family. She also added that she is originally from Ontario. Then when I asked here if we should move to Alberta time or Manitoba time here response was simple. "Alberta I guess. My sister lives there." It may not be the best reason but it is a reason none the less. My second yes came from a guy named Chris. He thinks we should be changing. This is what he told me "I think we should adopt daylight saving time. Why not utilize the extra daylight? The sun come up at 4:30 am and it would be nice to get an extra hour of daylight. We could get an extra inning of baseball in, or actually play all 18 holes of golf before it gets dark. So we should change to daylight savings time." I think he has a good point.

Since this is one of my more serious blog post I will add a picture of an upside down dog.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Do they know it's NOT Christmas?

So on my drive to work today I noticed at lest 3 houses that still had their Christmas lights on. Personally I say all lights should be shut off (at the very latest) by the first week in January. I know a lot of people have different feelings towards this. But they are Christmas Lights, not winter lights.

According to there are actually some "rules" or guidelines you can follow if you are unsure of when to remove decorations. (Copied and pasted from their site!!)

  • 1
    Take your Christmas lights and decorations down when your neighbors have done so. If you're the only person with your Christmas decorations still out on your whole block, it may be time to put them away until the next holiday season.

  • 2
    When you take your Christmas tree down, take down your other Christmas decorations. There's no point to leave up just some of your Christmas decorations. Once your Christmas tree is down, remove all of your Christmas lights and decorations.

  • 3
    Take down your Christmas lights and decorations once stores have removed all Christmas merchandise from the shelves. Stores will leave Christmas merchandise for weeks after December 25. When stores near you have finally removed all Christmas merchandise, it's probably time to down your decorations.

  • 4
    Take down your Christmas lights and decorations after January 6. January 6 is known as the Feast of the Epiphany and is also the last "day of Christmas." This is always a good time to remove all of your decorations until the next Christmas.

  • 5
    Take down your Christmas lights and decorations if your lights go out after Christmas. If your lights go out before Christmas, you'll probably want to fix the problem. However, if they go out sometime in January, you should probably just take them down and either try to fix them next season or just buy new lights.

  • 6
    Remove your Christmas lights and decorations when your local churches have removed all Christmas decorations. Once local churches have removed all Christmas decorations, it's a good sign to you that you may want to do the same.

  • Read more: How to Tell When to Take Down Your Christmas Lights and Decorations |

    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    I'm Serious!!!!

    I have been sitting here looking a blank screen for the past hour or longer thinking about what to write. I browsed YouTube, TheChive, Facebook, the usual sites. I seriously can't think of anything witty to write. Then I can to the conclusion it is a new year.

    This year I plan on posting something interesting everyday I am able to. (Which I hope will be at lest 4 times a week). There will be a lot of random things that might not tickle your fancy or there may be things that you are able to relate to. Either way there will be a lot of random post from me.

    I am always looking for random things to research and write about. If you have any ideas give me a shout and I will see what I can do. As for this random post I will wrap it up with a video that makes me laugh. By the way this video has over 154 million views.

    Everything you don't need to know

    My photo
    I'm on air every weekday from Noon-6:00 PM. This blog is chance for you to enjoy your little bit of daily randomness!! I post anything I find interesting and random. Sit back click away and enjoy randomness!!