Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm Serious!!!!

I have been sitting here looking a blank screen for the past hour or longer thinking about what to write. I browsed YouTube, TheChive, Facebook, the usual sites. I seriously can't think of anything witty to write. Then I can to the conclusion it is a new year.

This year I plan on posting something interesting everyday I am able to. (Which I hope will be at lest 4 times a week). There will be a lot of random things that might not tickle your fancy or there may be things that you are able to relate to. Either way there will be a lot of random post from me.

I am always looking for random things to research and write about. If you have any ideas give me a shout and I will see what I can do. As for this random post I will wrap it up with a video that makes me laugh. By the way this video has over 154 million views.

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I'm on air every weekday from Noon-6:00 PM. This blog is chance for you to enjoy your little bit of daily randomness!! I post anything I find interesting and random. Sit back click away and enjoy randomness!!