Monday, March 28, 2011

I have a "Short" Brother

Well this will be a "SHORT" post. Pun intended.

Over the weekend I made my way to Regina for a birthday party. I was a pretty lax day for the most part. Had to do a bit a running around then out for drinks and watching hockey. When we made our way to the bar for the celebration part of the party it got a little more interesting.

As I was washing my hands in the washroom I was punched in the shoulder. It wasn't a hard punch but it was enough for me to feel it. As soon as I was hit I heard a voice from behind me saying "What?! Aren't you going to say to your brother?!"

I turned around expecting to see my brother who is only a few inches shorter than I am. I am 6'4" he is about 6'2". But as I turned around and did the confused 360 in the bathroom I looked down to see a very very short man. He was MAYBE 4'0"......maybe. As I continued on my way I realized THIS was the guy who said that too me. I turned to him and as I tried to hold back laughter I asked "What?!" He looked at me confused for a second before saying "Oh, sorry man! I thought you were someone else!". By this point I am about to burst out laughing. So I just said "really?!"  before I turned around and walked out.

When we got back to our table no one from our group believed me. That was until the very, very, short man came up to our table and apologize to me one for time. After this my whole table was having a good laugh. Not because he was short. But because he mistook someone who is over 2 feet taller than him as his brother.

Needless to say It was a good laugh had by all!

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