Friday, February 18, 2011

I Want My Time Back

So the other day I went to the ER. It wasn't for anything major just what I figured was a broken finger. I have broke a few fingers in my time and it felt like the other times so I did what anyone would do. Go and see if the doctor can do anything.

Upon arriving at the hospital I gave them all my info. Health card, next of kin, address, all that stuff. After waiting what was only 5 minutes or less I was called back to the room. The man who took me back there seemed like the nurse type and was very dismissive of my condition. He looked at me and said "So?......What do you need?" After being shocked that this is how our conversation started up I replied. "Well, I think I broke my finger." I figured it was a pretty simple answer for his nonprofessional question. To which he answered "Oh? So you went for X-Rays and you know that it's broken and what do you want us to do?" After being baffled that this person could work in a hospital let alone be a nurse I simplify said "No. That is why I said I THINK".

After a few more pointless questions and him telling me I don't know what I'm talking about we went for a walk to the X-Ray station. Upon arriving the ladies who were in this unit were very nice. All were very polite and even asked how the pain was. Something the other guy never once asked me. After my X-Ray they asked "Did Dr. (bad doctor name) tell you to just wait here?" It was at this point when I realized the 'nurse' I was dealing with was actually a DOCTOR.

When he came back he looked at my X-Rays and said there is a little bone where it hurt the most but he quickly dismissed this. He said it is probably just a bone from my pinky. After looking at him like he had 2 heads and missing a brain in both he turned around and walked out. I asked him what I should do. His reply floored me. "We are done. You can leave now."

Needless to say I will no longer be going to this Doctor ever again and making the 30 min trip, each way, to Radville.


  1. Holy crap. Who pissed all over his degree? I have never ever had a doctor treat me like that! Clearly unprofessional. If you're in the industry where you are to be serving people and taking care of people, you should not be an ass about it. Leave your problems about your wife cheating on you at home, don't bring them to work.

    I hope your finger is ok Moss!

  2. My finger is better Kim thanks. I was less than impressed with the quality of service I received while i was there.


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