Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In The Butt!

This isn't a story I'm really proud of..... at all. But it happened. Some people know the story other have never heard 2 words of it.

Back on December 21st I was linesing a Big 6 (Senior) hockey game in Lampman. It started out like any other game. Got hit with the puck a few times and it was a low scoring game that didn't have a lot of entertainment in it. That is until the 5 minute mark in the first period. An Oxbow player was attempting to hit a Lampman player into the board right where I was standing. Needless to say the hit didn't go as planned. The Lampman player got out of the way and Oxbow player hit the boards and clipped me. When the Oxbow player fell he took me down with him. If you don't know this, hockey officials wear little to no equipment. We have skates, shin pads, a cup, elbow pads and a helmet. Some wear more some wear less. When I was falling I landed my left side on the players turned-up skate. The impact happened right bellow my left kidney.

The pain was almost unbearable but I still managed to get up and continue the game. So, in pain I continue the game. The second period was going well but the officials were still getting hit with the puck. In the later part of the 3rd period a Lampman player was attempting to ice the puck and decided to hit me in the side. Once again it was the same side I previously injured. This time only 2 inches away from the earlier impact. Once again the pain almost brought me to tears and I was thinking about leaving the game. But since I haven't walked out on a game before I wasn't going to do it this game.

After the game the other officials looked at my side and told me to get to the hospital right away because of potential kidney damage. Lampman is an hour away from Weyburn and it was getting pretty late by this time, 11:30 PM. When I arrived in Weyburn I dropped off my equipment and went to the hospital. When I arrived the nurse looked at it and told me it was just soft tissue damage and my kidneys are fine.

I was happy to hear this but the pain was still there and very bad by this time. I asked if there was anything she could do and she said yes. She told me she would be giving me a shot to help to pain. I hate needles by the way. I have fainted at the sight of them many times. But the pain was so bad I would try anything. So I rolled up my sleeve and said ok lets do this. The nurse stood there and said "No, you'll need to undo your pants". My fear for needles increased. She took a needle and told me there would be a tight pinching feeling. She then followed up this very true statement by jamming the needle in the meat of my buttocks.

After this embarrassing moment was over and I never wanted to come back again something odd happened. I received a letter in the mail from my local health centre.It was a bill. A bill for $5.00 for the needle they stabbed in my rear end. I still have the bill and still contemplating paying it...... even though I know I should. I just can't justify paying someone for stabbing me in that fashion.

And that folks it when you say "next time I'll take the pain over getting jabbed in the butt by the health centre".

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