Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Suit Up!

As I was thinking about what to do with all this hair on my head a thought came across my mind; "What is 'Work Appropriate' clothing and style?". As the rest of the world changes what people wear to work hasn't changed much at all. For people like me who work in an office it is still pretty much the same. Guys wear shirt and tie with dress pants. This is the same style as far back as I can even think. If you are 'business man' you wear a suit. But why is this? The jobs aren't the same. More people are using the internet to do their banking, shopping, and other previous daily tasks. The equipment the business men work with is not the same. There is less and less face-to-face iteration than ever before. 

Back in the day jeans were something that a 'working man' would wear. They were created to be durable and to an extent protective. But now you can buy jeans that make most of my dress clothes look cheap. If I was to walk into an office and see see everyone sitting around wearing jeans and golf shirt I wouldn't feel like the service is any less than anywhere else. Just because someone is wearing a suit doesn't mean they are more inclined to do a job than someone who isn't.

As this progressive world keeps 'progressing' some things just don't change. A person who used to sit in front of a typewriter and saw 50 customers in one day is still wearing the same suit in front of computer and only seeing 10 customers a day.

Personally I don't see suits as a comfort when I walk into a store.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I have a "Short" Brother

Well this will be a "SHORT" post. Pun intended.

Over the weekend I made my way to Regina for a birthday party. I was a pretty lax day for the most part. Had to do a bit a running around then out for drinks and watching hockey. When we made our way to the bar for the celebration part of the party it got a little more interesting.

As I was washing my hands in the washroom I was punched in the shoulder. It wasn't a hard punch but it was enough for me to feel it. As soon as I was hit I heard a voice from behind me saying "What?! Aren't you going to say to your brother?!"

I turned around expecting to see my brother who is only a few inches shorter than I am. I am 6'4" he is about 6'2". But as I turned around and did the confused 360 in the bathroom I looked down to see a very very short man. He was MAYBE 4'0"......maybe. As I continued on my way I realized THIS was the guy who said that too me. I turned to him and as I tried to hold back laughter I asked "What?!" He looked at me confused for a second before saying "Oh, sorry man! I thought you were someone else!". By this point I am about to burst out laughing. So I just said "really?!"  before I turned around and walked out.

When we got back to our table no one from our group believed me. That was until the very, very, short man came up to our table and apologize to me one for time. After this my whole table was having a good laugh. Not because he was short. But because he mistook someone who is over 2 feet taller than him as his brother.

Needless to say It was a good laugh had by all!

Monday, March 21, 2011

I Am Confused!?!

So as some of you know I got into a bit of an accident earlier this year. I hit some bad ice and my car hit a pole. There was a bit more than a bit of damage but I was pretty sure the car wouldn't get written off.

The accident happened on Wednesday March 2nd. With all the ugly weather we have seen in the past while I didn't expect my car to get adjusted right away. Sadly I was unable to get in until Monday March 21st.

This forced me to drive around for 18 days with a smashed front end and a missing signal light. Even though it wasn't much of an issue I had a large number of people give me the one finger wave when they didn't know I was turning.

Once I made it to my appointment I expected it to last for a couple of hours so I called for a ride. But once I got my car in I was told that it will only take a little bit. By a little bit I assumed an hour or so. 15 minutes later I was on my way to work.

My car ended up not being wrote off but there was a large amount of damage to it. Almost $3,200 worth. After I got back to work and inspected the sheet SGI gave me a bit more I noticed the price of labor was only $90 some dollars less than the parts. How can this be? I am confused and questioning my line of work. If you are charging someone the same price for parts as you are for labor it makes you wonder how much they charge per hour.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Would Be Pleased!

(I am keeping this one as PG as possible)

After a few talks with a few people over a few days I was asked a similar question, "How can I make my man happy?".

At first I was kind of puzzled by these questions. Since I am unaware why they are unhappy it is hard for me to answer. After getting the info about the situation I was a little more aware of what was going on. For some it was work related issues, others more personal issues, but it all came down a few simple answers.

First off if you live with this person you know what they enjoy to eat. Make them a special meal, or take them out. The quickest way to a man's heart is his stomach. A good meal will make any man happy.

Second, make sure they are able to enjoy their drink of choice. It could be a beer, a wine, kool-aid....what ever.

Third, try to get them to enjoy the night. It could be going out to movie, staying home to watch a movie, watching a sports game, or having friends over. Doing stuff with other people is always good. No matter how much he says he wants to be alone he really doesn't.

If it is you that he is upset with and you want him to be happy there are lots of things to do. Fighting does not help.......ever. Talking things out in a calm manner yes. If you let him go out with his friends watch the game, have some drinks, play poker or anything that is also good. But when he gets home make sure he is looked after and don't add any stress.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying wait on him hand and foot. Small gestures can be something they will enjoy as well.

For me I just need a few things to release stress.
- Food
- Beer
- Hockey
- Movie
- Someone to vent to helps at times

Keep in mind each person's situation is different. Some guys wouldn't like what over do. Know your man and everything should be O.K!

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Been One Week

If you have been reading my blog then you are aware that I am hockey official. I ref and lines a lot of hockey. One thing that really grinds my gears is when people tell at the officials to "get outta the way!". If you don't know what I mean here is quick little description. When a player doesn't pay attention to where he/she is shooting the puck and hits the ref. Most people think the ref is always in the wrong.

Here is something to think about. Players have a lot more equipment on than refs. The average player will be wearing the following for protection.
-Shin Pads
-Shoulder Pads
-Elbow Pads
-Neck Guard
-Full Cage/Half Visor

While the average ref will only wear a few things.
-Shin Pads
-Elbow Pads
-Half Visor

Some refs don't wear shin pads, a cup, or elbow pads. So when people think we get in the way on purpose I pose this question, Why do we want to get hit with a piece or frozen vulcanized rubber?

To prove my point I have been documenting what happens to a ref when they get hit.

  Sunday Feb. 28. The night I was hit by a puck.
Tuesday March 1.

Wednesday March 2.

Thursday March 3.

Friday March 4.

Sunday March 6.

No ref WANTS to get hit by a puck. Remember when you see a ref fall down, get hit by a puck, body checked into the boards it hurts. We are wearing less protective equipment than the players.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Afraid!

We are talking about about fears on the Magic 103.5 FM today. There are a lot of common fears that I heard, but also some different fears as well. The common fears i heard are spiders, snakes, and heights. I understand a lot of these fears for the most part. It is really hard to understand the fear until you know someone with that fear.

But at the same time there are fears that I know people have that I just don't get. The biggest one that I don't understand is clowns. I have never seen clowns as scary. Even in the movie IT. Sure there is a murderous clown on the loose, but at the same time all horror movies have people killing in it. Does that mean we should be afraid or most 6'1" white men ha ha?

As for myself, well I have a few fears of my own. A lot of people most of them some people know none of them. The biggest one for me has to be deep dark water. Like the middle of a lake or ocean or large bodies of water like that. Not because of a traumatic incident of my life or anything like that, I just don't like not being able to see what's going on down there. Also the other big one for me is needles. I don't like sharp metal being shoved in my arms and injecting me with a fluid. My 2nd last needle I passed out looking at the needle. A lot of people laugh at me when I tell them the needle one because I have tattoos. But anyone who has a tattoo knows needles are nothing like a tattoo.

I think everyone has a fear of something regardless if they tell people it or not. Some of them are small but for any serious fear or phobia none of them are easy to overcome. But I fear this will be the end of my post for today. Remember no matter what your fear is, I'm sure you aren't alone. Don't hid it, it's part of who you are.

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