Wednesday, February 23, 2011

She Said WHAT At Her Wedding?!?

Over the weekend I went on a nice big trek to northern Saskatchewan again. On Friday after I left work I took off to Saskatoon to start my long venture. Once I got there I met up with a friend went out for drinks and watching a show. After leaving the show I found a parking ticket on my windshield. This is the second in 2 weeks. Starting to think it MIGHT BE my fault. The next morning I chilled out met with an old college roommate and had dinner and a few drinks before I continued on my adventures.

In the afternoon I drove to Melfort to watch my brother play against Melfort. The night before they lost 5-2. I was expecting a similar game. But what I saw was far from similar. Nipawin lost 11-0. Nothing really exciting came out of this game. That night I drove to Bellevue to my auntie, uncle, and 3 cousins. Just hung out and talked that night and the next morning.

Around noon on Sunday I drove back to Saskatoon to attend a high school friend's wedding. I was going alone to this wedding so I wasn't sure if I would really know anyone there. After showing up to Saskatoon early I stopped by a pub near the hotel where the wedding was to take place. After a few quick pre-wedding drinks I made my over to the hotel. The first person I saw was a guy I went to elementary school with. He moved out of Radville when we were in grade 8 or so. So it was nice to catch up with him.

A little while after talking we were asked to meet for the ceremony. While this was all great and lovely, like most weddings are, there was a bit of entertainment as well. The bride said something you would only hear in a comedy. Since it was a civil service it was fairly lax. The bride was asked to do the 'repeat after me' part, which is standard and not exciting. But she made it fun. When asked to repeat 'take the lawfully wedded' she said 'take the awfully wedded'. After a few moments of laughter she was asked to repeat the correct words 3 times.

The rest of the night was very fun and entertaining. We had a few drinks and unlike other weddings I was able to sit down with the groom for a few minutes and actually have a conversation. This is something I was sure wouldn't be able to happen with how busy weddings are.

The next day I was going to make a stop in Regina then go home since I worked Tuesday. But before I left I was told I need to make a detour and visit another friend of mine. I said I would love to, since we never to get hang out. After some birthday cake and a drink I carried on my way. Once I reached Regina I was able to wrap up my trip. Had a great chat with a friend followed by a relaxing hot tub experience before I went home.

All in all it was a great, long, long weekend. Visiting with friends is something I enjoy more than anything. Being so far away from so many great friends it was hard to pass up any opportunities to see as many as I could. I can't wait until the next trip north. I hope it won't be long.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Want My Time Back

So the other day I went to the ER. It wasn't for anything major just what I figured was a broken finger. I have broke a few fingers in my time and it felt like the other times so I did what anyone would do. Go and see if the doctor can do anything.

Upon arriving at the hospital I gave them all my info. Health card, next of kin, address, all that stuff. After waiting what was only 5 minutes or less I was called back to the room. The man who took me back there seemed like the nurse type and was very dismissive of my condition. He looked at me and said "So?......What do you need?" After being shocked that this is how our conversation started up I replied. "Well, I think I broke my finger." I figured it was a pretty simple answer for his nonprofessional question. To which he answered "Oh? So you went for X-Rays and you know that it's broken and what do you want us to do?" After being baffled that this person could work in a hospital let alone be a nurse I simplify said "No. That is why I said I THINK".

After a few more pointless questions and him telling me I don't know what I'm talking about we went for a walk to the X-Ray station. Upon arriving the ladies who were in this unit were very nice. All were very polite and even asked how the pain was. Something the other guy never once asked me. After my X-Ray they asked "Did Dr. (bad doctor name) tell you to just wait here?" It was at this point when I realized the 'nurse' I was dealing with was actually a DOCTOR.

When he came back he looked at my X-Rays and said there is a little bone where it hurt the most but he quickly dismissed this. He said it is probably just a bone from my pinky. After looking at him like he had 2 heads and missing a brain in both he turned around and walked out. I asked him what I should do. His reply floored me. "We are done. You can leave now."

Needless to say I will no longer be going to this Doctor ever again and making the 30 min trip, each way, to Radville.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm Offended!

The way this world is going lately everything has to be so politically correct. And it seems like everything you say on the radio or in life has be to said just right. One of my co-workers asked our audience if anyone had Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. After a few people called in and told him about eating the red Smarties last or putting on the left sock before the right one he received a phone call. A listener was offended by how he was "making fun| of people with OCD. Which was not the case at all.

I'm sure there are people who are reading this who have older family members who use old style terms that would be frowned upon now days. People aren't handicapped anyone. They are disabled challenged. These terms change so quickly that people who have certain conditions can't even keep up with them.

People can't take anything lightly anymore. There is no sense of HA HA left in this world. Looking around a bar to see if you can tell a joke. repeating something in your head before you say it out loud. If everyone would just lighten up a bit more there would be more laughs and who knows maybe fewer wars.

But what do I know? I am just a guy. I am not offended by much. Maybe it is because I do not have any challenged to overcome. But when I (a 6'4" white male) call someone (a 5'4" black female) short, I'm being offensive.

If everyone is supposed to be equal and we are supposed to be able to laugh at ourselves then why can't we laugh at each other?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm In Need Of Ink

I have always enjoyed tattoos. I have 4 right now and it has been kind of an expensive obsession with me. I got my first one when I was 17. It's a hockey puck with hockey sticks behind it and flames coming out the sides of the puck. A few years later I got 2 more tattoos above my elbows. They are both stars. One blue and one red. then 2 years ago I got my latest tattoo. It's script that says "You'll never make everyone happy it just won't happen".

I am still trying to think about what I want for me new tattoo. Do I want something that is crazy and off the wall or something classic. Maybe even something that has a major impact on my life. But what it really comes down to is something I can that will let me say "ya, I paid for that".

As I think more about the classic tattoo style the one that sticks out in my head is a pin up girl.

But who knows. All I do know is I need to get a tattoo soon.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm Old!?! Wait....What!?

So for the past little while I have realized that I have became "That Guy". The one who makes obscure references to things that used to be cool. When asked what my favorite bands were I would say classic rock bands or rappers who haven't recorded anything new in the past 10 years.

If listening to Beastie boys, Bloodhound Gang, Dre, or anyone else makes me old I guess I am. Everything moves so fast now a days. Music changes weekly. Every time I look at the top 50 list there is a new artist making their mark.

I just remember days when you had your pop princesses, rappers, hip hop stars, rockers, country singers, and boy bands. Now everyone has to be a crossover hit to get air play. I really have to put all the blame on iPods and other MP3 players.

People are listening to everything in a shuffle fashion.  Everyone is a fan of all kinds of music and they expect everyone else to be the same way. The only way you will only here country, pop, rock, or anything like that is by listening to sat. radio or your own iPod (which I'm sure has everything on it anyways).

I just miss the days of tuning into a rock station and not hearing country music. But maybe it's true. Maybe I am getting old.

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