Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Feel Like A Kid Again

It's about that time eh chaps? Righto..... I will taking my summer holidays to volunteer as a Councillor with the Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program. I have been a part of the program since I was 13. I have met some of my best friends through this camp.

Some of them I have lost touch with. Some of them I still see pretty much every day. I was able to learn a lot about others from all over Saskatchewan along with learn a lot about myself. The main point of this blog is pretty much that Co-op Camp Rocks and I will taking a few days off to go off to camp.

I recommend if you are between 12-18 to pick up a registration form and sign up for the most fun you will have all summer. Check out the SCYP Website for more details.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I like food!

So for the past few months I have been trying to shed a few pound. I am not really one for extreme diets or other stuff like that. I have always been a fan of food so giving up steak and potatoes and burgers and that stuff was out of question.

One thing that I thought I could cut out of my system is junk food and pop. It has been pretty hard but after a while it wasn't too bad. No chips, chocolate bars, candy, pop, slurpees, and other things of that nature. The hardest part of not eating crap was late at night snacking and going on road trips. The only things I was really allowing myself to eat was jerky, peanuts, and other types of nuts.

After trying this special type diet for a while I was able to drop 12 pounds. I was pretty impressed but shortly after I cracked! Had some pop and chips and that other bad stuff. It is really hard to lose weight. But that isn't really anything people don't already know.

I know what I should be doing to drop pounds. Work out, eat well, don't eat fast food and blah, blah, blah. But as the tittle says "I like food!".  I just want to drop a few pounds, look a bit better, and get a bit healthier. I just need the ambition.

So starting tonight I just jump back on the wagon to drop a few pounds.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm Wet

So it's been a while since I have posted and I must say sorry for that. It's been a pretty crazy couple of weeks with all the flooding going on in Weyburn and people at work taking holidays. But it hasn't been just that. It's been a wet and damp few days for me at home.

I was up in Saskatoon over the weekend to visit some good friends and watch the Classified concert. The concert was a blast and is by far the best show I've ever seen.  But to top it all off I was able to meet Class after the show and get a photo which was awesome!

On Sunday I thought I should start making my way back to Weyburn. I had a quick visit with an old friend in Toon Town before going to Regina. Once I made it to Regina I was lucky enough to spend a few hours with a close friend. After driving around for a while and talking I thought I should make my way back home.

I thought there was no way this awesome weekend could be ruined. That was until I walked into my basement and noticed it flooded. After running the shop-vac and a dehumidifier for days on end I thought everything would be back to normal. That was until I woke up Thursday morning to another puddle outside of my room. Water has been coming in from the cracks in the floor.

Not much to really report after that. I will be sleeping on my couch for the next week or so until it all dries up. Hope it won't take too long. Since complaining won't do anything I will just have to take things in stride.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Suit Up!

As I was thinking about what to do with all this hair on my head a thought came across my mind; "What is 'Work Appropriate' clothing and style?". As the rest of the world changes what people wear to work hasn't changed much at all. For people like me who work in an office it is still pretty much the same. Guys wear shirt and tie with dress pants. This is the same style as far back as I can even think. If you are 'business man' you wear a suit. But why is this? The jobs aren't the same. More people are using the internet to do their banking, shopping, and other previous daily tasks. The equipment the business men work with is not the same. There is less and less face-to-face iteration than ever before. 

Back in the day jeans were something that a 'working man' would wear. They were created to be durable and to an extent protective. But now you can buy jeans that make most of my dress clothes look cheap. If I was to walk into an office and see see everyone sitting around wearing jeans and golf shirt I wouldn't feel like the service is any less than anywhere else. Just because someone is wearing a suit doesn't mean they are more inclined to do a job than someone who isn't.

As this progressive world keeps 'progressing' some things just don't change. A person who used to sit in front of a typewriter and saw 50 customers in one day is still wearing the same suit in front of computer and only seeing 10 customers a day.

Personally I don't see suits as a comfort when I walk into a store.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I have a "Short" Brother

Well this will be a "SHORT" post. Pun intended.

Over the weekend I made my way to Regina for a birthday party. I was a pretty lax day for the most part. Had to do a bit a running around then out for drinks and watching hockey. When we made our way to the bar for the celebration part of the party it got a little more interesting.

As I was washing my hands in the washroom I was punched in the shoulder. It wasn't a hard punch but it was enough for me to feel it. As soon as I was hit I heard a voice from behind me saying "What?! Aren't you going to say to your brother?!"

I turned around expecting to see my brother who is only a few inches shorter than I am. I am 6'4" he is about 6'2". But as I turned around and did the confused 360 in the bathroom I looked down to see a very very short man. He was MAYBE 4'0"......maybe. As I continued on my way I realized THIS was the guy who said that too me. I turned to him and as I tried to hold back laughter I asked "What?!" He looked at me confused for a second before saying "Oh, sorry man! I thought you were someone else!". By this point I am about to burst out laughing. So I just said "really?!"  before I turned around and walked out.

When we got back to our table no one from our group believed me. That was until the very, very, short man came up to our table and apologize to me one for time. After this my whole table was having a good laugh. Not because he was short. But because he mistook someone who is over 2 feet taller than him as his brother.

Needless to say It was a good laugh had by all!

Monday, March 21, 2011

I Am Confused!?!

So as some of you know I got into a bit of an accident earlier this year. I hit some bad ice and my car hit a pole. There was a bit more than a bit of damage but I was pretty sure the car wouldn't get written off.

The accident happened on Wednesday March 2nd. With all the ugly weather we have seen in the past while I didn't expect my car to get adjusted right away. Sadly I was unable to get in until Monday March 21st.

This forced me to drive around for 18 days with a smashed front end and a missing signal light. Even though it wasn't much of an issue I had a large number of people give me the one finger wave when they didn't know I was turning.

Once I made it to my appointment I expected it to last for a couple of hours so I called for a ride. But once I got my car in I was told that it will only take a little bit. By a little bit I assumed an hour or so. 15 minutes later I was on my way to work.

My car ended up not being wrote off but there was a large amount of damage to it. Almost $3,200 worth. After I got back to work and inspected the sheet SGI gave me a bit more I noticed the price of labor was only $90 some dollars less than the parts. How can this be? I am confused and questioning my line of work. If you are charging someone the same price for parts as you are for labor it makes you wonder how much they charge per hour.

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I'm on air every weekday from Noon-6:00 PM. This blog is chance for you to enjoy your little bit of daily randomness!! I post anything I find interesting and random. Sit back click away and enjoy randomness!!